Dienstag, 4. März 2014

Google kauf Threema / Google buys Threema to prevent Zuckerberg from buying it [...]

[...] this or something like that was to read on several sites ( and was what I actually had to hear from a friend ) across the internet. After some research the cause of this "hoax" was pretty clear. At least imho it's THIS ( The Postillion ) article. Obviuosly some users took this gag a bit too seriously.

Well... I smiled. :> This is what Threema officially answered: Check it OUT!

xda-developers.com - New KatKiss 4.4.2 #22, new TWRP, and a new OmniROM version approaching

There has been some movement on the xda community (regarding the TF101) lately.
There is a new TWRP, a new KatKiss and a new OmniRom version.

I wasn't able to have a closer look myself on the latest OmiRom Release for the TF101 while I already put up reviews for the TWRP version and the new Android KitKat KatKiss #22 vesion ( as I gave a small preview on the #23 version - multi window mode YEY!).